Saturday, October 29, 2016

October 24, 2016 Week 53 Vargas, La Colon

Well no changes for us this week, still here in Vargas and with Elder Synderguard.  We did have divisions this week, so Elder Little came with me, and my comp went with Elder Potter.  This is a hard area for me, but I will stay diligent.  We did a service project this week, helping some members paint their house.  They seem to add water to their paint to make it last longer, which is not the way we do it, but anyways....  I'm not sure you guys were as excited as me about the forest discovery.

It's by far the coolest thing ever!!!  Thanks for the one year package and letters everyone!!  What's with the glitter mom, seriously messy!!
So today I tried to dry my sheets over the stovetop.  I'm glad you got a new dryer, but I don't have one.  After being over here washing my clothes in a sink and on the roof, I would gladly use your washer and dryer, mom.  By myself even, I would do my own laundry.
We did find some new people, and we taught them and invited them to baptism, and they said yes!!! Pretty good news there.
We always have 8:00 church here. Well I guess that covers it. Hope you are all doing well. Love you
Love Elder Rogers

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

October 17, 2016 week 52 Vargas, La Colon

So today we were shopping at this one place, where apparently everything is stolen.  So some weird guy was trying to sell us a cell phone.  He was really sketchy and nervous looking, and I was like "Dude, calm down"  He wanted me to pay him money for this really cool sony cell phone, and then he was like how about you trade me your phone for this one, but he didn't like our phone cause it is crappy, and I'm pretty sure his phone was stolen, so we were like no way man.  Anyway crazy day!  We found a forest today, while looking for tarantulas.  Here are some pictures it was way cool, and I really want to go camping..... but I can't...

I don't know what kind of trees these are, but they are pretty cool.

We meet some interesting people this week, the son invited us in to talk.  He said he loves to hear about Jesus, so we were like cool.  Then his mom came in, and she was like Oh it's these people...They were nice, but I don't think we will be back there.  
We had a mini conference today, which was pretty good.   Then it rained all day Wednesday, and the power went out.  So we couldn't cook or anything.  I was thinking of making sheepherder taters for dinner too, but we are also out of garlic powder.  
Well The work is moving forward in Quito Ecuador.
Love Elder Rogers

Monday, October 17, 2016

October 10, 2016 Week 51 Vargas, La Colon

Hey Mom,
I got the package, and I will not open it till it has officially been 1 year.  Next week I guess!! Glitter everywhere mom, did you not think that one through?  It's everywhere mom...  It has been raining all week long!  We have had many appointments this week, some good, some bad... but that's how it goes here.  We will be quite busy this week.  This is a hard area I think.   We will be having district meetings and verification this week, so that will be fun.  I really need a waffle iron here, they are super expensive though.
We had a bus contact the other day.  There was 6 of us and we each took a turn standing up on the bus and saying a few things about who we are and what we are doing here.   We told people that we would love to teach them some lessons about Jesus and our church and if they see us walking around to not be afraid to talk to us.  No one has so far, but we still tried it.

We are in winter here, so it is rainy pretty much every day.  I guess I will see you guys later!! Love ya
Elder Rogers

Monday, October 3, 2016

October 3, 2016 Week 50 Vargas La Colon

Hey family, How is it going?? Everything is good here.  We have been working hard.  My companion and I are doing real well I think.  We have met some new people and we hope to get some of them to come to church soon cause that would be really great.

Well the other day we got caught in a rain storm, it was pretty bad.  I did not have my umbrella, but my companion had his.  Always be prepared.... oops... I was super soaked!
 The rain is pretty cold here.

We did some service today for a family.  We helped them move some of their furniture to a new house.  We moved all the heavy stuff.  They even had a dryer. I haven't seen one of those in a house here yet.
I saw some people slaughter some sheep the other day, very interesting.  Like in the street really. Maybe they had lamb chops for dinner.
Anyways conference was really good, we are always excited for conference here in the mission field!! I hope you guys have a good week I will talk to you next week.
Love Elder Rogers